Product introduction | MT7608H: dual input voltage range, linear, Brazil bulb solution

  • Release Date2021-08-27

  • Page View3883 times

The trend of simple system and low cost puts higher requirements, such as excellent constant current characteristics and high PF etc., for IC designer.

Among a number of Brazilian bulb applications, MT7608H received a good market feedback due to its high cost-effectiveness and excellent performance. MT7608H is a linear LED driver with low operating voltage, simple peripheral circuit, PF>0.7, 108Vac-265Vac wide input voltage, and single chip can be used in within 10W applications.

  • Supports 108Vac-265Vac input, <2% input power differences between 127Vac and 220Vac input

  • PF>0.7

  • Single chip is applied within 10W applications

  • Adopts self-developed innovative technologies

  • Low BOM cost, lowest cost scheme for Brazil bulb


 ypical application circuit





MT7608H-9W solution

MT7608H-9W DEMO 是一款针对巴西市场应用,输出负载灯串电压为135V,PF>0.7双压线性DOB球泡灯方案,外围简单、BOM成本低。

Schematic diagram



127Vac  L

127Vac  N

127Vac  CDN

220Vac  L

220Vac  N

220Vac  CDN